Now that it's all out in the open and we discover what many of us suspected all along – that child molestation was a sacrament to the Catholic Church rather than a rare occurence – we need to consider one other awful truth.
In fact, how was it possible for ANYONE within the priesthood not to know about it?

Even if that were true, how is it possible to hear canteen gossip every day of your working life and not realise what's going on? How can you reach the dizzy heights of superintendent, commander and commissioner if your powers of observation are practically zero?
C'mon guys, we love you, but grant us a modicum of street savvy.
Because there was no opposition from the Vatican, priests would have boasted to other priests of their exploits, recommending this hot little cocksucker and that cute little bumboy. So even if there were some priests within the Catholic Church who weren't molesting children, they knew exactly what was going on.

You would have had to be a deaf and blind imbecile not to realise that pedophillia was rampant and widespread. I don't believe that there was so much as one priest within the Catholic Church who didn't know the score. Everyone covered up for everyone else.
Even good priests – and there are some – covered up for their mates.
So for "respectable" priests to now be feigning shock and horror is absolute hypocrisy and bullshit. Every last one of them stands accused of extreme cowardice and dishonesty. They took their blessed Jesus literally when he said "Resist not evil" when they should have been listening to their conscience instead.
Think about it for a moment and you'll realise that what I'm saying is absolutely true. It's impossible to keep such mass corruption secret for long, especially when there are no brakes to slow its progress. Everyone – including the pope, the cardinals and the archbishops – knew about it and did nothing.
The new pope, Ratzinger, is himself a pedophile protector. When '60 Minutes' tried to interview serial kiddie fucker, 'Legion of Christ' founder, Father Marcial Maciel about his misconduct over the previous forty years, Ratzinger went out of his way to protect his bosom pal. Wouldn't let the media catch a glimpse of him.
The current pope is precisely the sort of 'under the carpet' sweeper I'm talking about. He knows and has known for decades that Maciel molests children, but mum's the word and pass the bumboy.
Adult/child sex has always been a perk of the job. Watch the numbers of new recruits fall now it's harder to get away with.
Real Wild Church